So Simple.
Light Duty Pathway is your simple to use web based platform for safety training.

1. Start Your Pathway.
When we say simple to implement and monitor, we mean it. Light Duty Pathway is autonomous and takes less than 5 minutes to set-up for an employee on modified work duty.
2. Dr's Orders.
You may need a Dr. to sign off on your employees new modified work duty. Use the Light Duty Pathway job description letter for your employee to give to their physician.
3. Make An Offer.
Now you can craft your job offer for your injured employee. But wait, we’ve already got one started for you. Our template identifies the position offered, includes a description of the duties required, and clearly specifies the physical demands of the job.
4. Welcome Your Light Duty Employee.
Once they log-in we'll take it from there. A well-structured web based platform providing safety training to rehabilitate your employees while ensuring they stay engaged at your workplace.
5. Keep Track.
Daily reporting on employees progress and interaction is easy to use and simple to understand for those overseeing the light duty work and training within your organization.